Feeding the Starving Artist

Unleash your creativity, one small bite at a time

Issue #11 Self-Care June 26, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — melanieharo @ 9:53 pm

“The only way to keep healthy is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”    ~Mark Twain


Looking through the eyes of a mother, or a grandmother or, dear God,  Supernanny, how well are you taking care of yourself?  Do you eat well, sleep well, make your bed and clean behind your ears?

Your level of self-care is really reflective of your level of self-love.  In viewing the choices you make, you begin to see how self-loving you really are.

As adults, we become our own parent. For those who may have had self-indulgent, authoritarian, abusive or neglectful parenting, now is  the time to give yourself the love that you deserve.

Think about the last month.  Based on your self-parenting, would you win “Parent of the Year” from the PTA, or would social services come and take you away?  Did you eat too much or too little, work too much or too little, play too much or too little?  If you’ve treated yourself in a way you would never treat a child, your self-care may need some loving improvement.

When you really need that fastfood, or want to force yourself to stay up late, or skip breakfast or bail on your work-out,  instead of berating yourself for what you should or shouldn’t do, simply ask yourself:

“Is this an act of self-love?”

PS  There are, of course, times when we choose to sacrifice for someone or something-that’s not an excuse to make it a daily habit.


Set aside time each day to do something kind for yourself.

Be careful not to repeat unhealthy patterns.  You may habitually turn to food, alcohol, television, work, or excessive exercise to self-soothe.  Choose an activity that is truly loving and truly kind.

No one can love you more than you can.